Today, I’m feeling a little bit blah. I’m starting to miss my green lawn and my flowers and my dogs and my horses and my kids and my husband…who else have I left out? I think the reality is starting to set in. The honeymoon phase is almost over and we’re going to get pushed out into the real world to sort out our differences and to make our way.
At times, I am a very social creature and that is fine when I first arrived. It was fun to approach a group of people and ask all of the typical questions, “What’s your name? Where ya from? Where are you teaching? “ Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s all really good and really interesting, but like too much chocolate, it soon gets old, or I grow weary and I begin to search for something old, something familiar, something that feels like home, something comfortable.
I’m waiting. I’m waiting to see if my townhouse will be approved. I think it will, so that’s not really a worry. I’m waiting for 6:45 so I can go out to dinner. I’m waiting for tomorrow to find out which school I’ll be in and what grade I’ll teach. I’m waiting for a bank card, which should, Inshallah, come out tomorrow or the next day. I’m waiting for the realtor to get back to me with a lease agreement. Waiting is okay. I’m not complaining. I’m just practicing patience.
I’m waiting to find out how to get Doug over here, or when I can get him over. It doesn’t seem right for me to want to get him here when not even all of the teachers are here.
Love you and praying for you, friend!